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Space Station 13
Space Station 13 is one of the most autistic and perpetually chaotic games ever made. You're one of up to several dozen crew aboard a fully modular, destructible space station, all trying to work together to get stuff done and not die horribly. Meanwhile, there are random events, powerful monsters and player-controlled antagonists trying to ruin your day. Those are nothing, however, compared to the difficult UI, complex mechanics and general incompetence of your crewmates. Think Dwarf Fortress but multiplayer.

You can download the engine it runs on here: https://secure.byond.com/ (It's not malware, I promise) Once you install it you can join any SS13 server. The engine itself runs about as well as an old jalopy but it allows connection to servers with radically different codebases, meaning nearly every server has its own surprises. Servers's development teams code and implement new elements into the game meaning SS13 basically has competitive evolution.

Here are three videos to give you the gist of it.

To get you in the mood: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejcanHLcpPs
SsethTzeentach's (/ourguy/) review: www.youtube.com/watch?v=URJ_qSXruW0
A dramatic re-enactment of the typical first round (in 3D!): www.youtube.com/watch?v=wX7GQT_ZQdA

Kek smiles upon you if you play SS13 because it turns the logic of video game design on its head. It was born in a primitive state in the early 2000's but has been continually built upon by its core community to have more depth and F.U.N. than almost any other game. There is an insane skill-cap due to over fifty areas of game mechanics to learn, meaning even seasoned veterans always discover more. It also means you have to rely on the rest of the crew to do their jobs, resulting in hilarity if when they fail to do so. Absolutely check it out if you can.

I used to play this game religiously several years ago but had to stop due to switching internet providers. It's something I miss dearly but new SS13 content never disappoints. It would be nice to set up a /mlpol/ community, maybe on Discord. If you wished hard enough you could maybe bring ponies into space.
4 replies and 3 files omitted.
It's been forever since I played this game. I might need to dust it off. I mostly stuck to the goon servers since I found them more fun.

I mostly played as an engineer since it had ~90% of the power of the chief engineer but none of the responsibilities. Just turn on the engine and then I'd have free reign to do whatever I wanted...which was normally converting the engine room into a bomb lab.
Engineers have a lot of power (quite literally, too) and good ones make great traitors. If you know what you're doing you can manipulate the station itself to destroy your enemies. The only problem is getting your hands on directly lethal weaponry. Your best option is breaking into the armory itself. Back when the armory bordered space and before movement-detecting cameras existed I used to do this all the time while "wiring solars."

Science is practically the opposite. You can make all sorts of cool stuff (except for insulated gloves, sadly, but to get those you can put a coin into a YouTool vendor), but are essentially confined in Research. As soon as you step out with a bomb half the station will be all over you. Also getting a space suit is hard unless if the director is a pal.

Every department has its perks and downsides. I've tried them all except security, because my connection forbids me from being actually robust, and command, because you're expected to know the advanced game mechanics and because of whitelists.
I should check this thread more often. To preface all of the following, let me start by saying that 100% of my experience is with goonstation and their codebase.

I loved engineer because of the combination of power combined with an absence of real responsibility and a hefty dose of plausible deniability. You have access to a full suite of tools from the first moments of the game, including accepted access to the coveted insulated gloves, engineering space suits (if they're not stolen first by the rest of the engineers), and access to engineering's pod bay. All that you need to do is setup the engine and nobody gives a fuck what you do for the rest of the round and nobody raises an eyebrow to see you walking through maintenance. The engine room, as I stated before, is essentially a bomb lab. Need to break into a secure area? Detonate a bomb at the target location and a few red herring ones. Then later show up with some scrap metal or the RCD to steal the thing while you patch up the hole. If questioned about your presence, just legitimately say that you're patching the hull breach.

I've never been one for directly lethal weapons. At least in terms of firearms, lasers, or laser swords. They tend to scream "I'm the antag, KILL ME!" My preferred murder weapon of choice is what I like to call a "heat spike" which is simply what I've named an igniter bomb assembly that's been filled with extraordinarily hot CO2. Such a bomb has the odd but useful property of completely gibbing everything within a 1x1 radius. You just utterly fuck over a single tile. Then you just need a means to incapacitate the target for a few seconds to toss the bomb and send the detonation signal. On the more passive end of the spectrum, you can simply loiter in a highly frequented hallway after laying a trap of wet floors or banana peels that have been hidden under garbage like toolboxes or other sprites. If forget precisely how off the top of my head, but IIRC the engine room has its own private terminal that has access the station's rarely utilized mainframe computer. With some know-how you can reconfigure the station's records so that the science lab's guard buddies and officer beepsky will incapacitate the target on sight, and you just need to be sitting around nearby to take advantage of the mayhem. You can be a bit more aggressive with a flash or stun gloves. If you want some stronger stuff, then most station maps have a rarely used customs checkpoint near the arrivals shuttle that contains a security locker that contains goodies like a tazer, stun baton, red jumpsuit, security earpiece (fun to listen in on the fuzz to see if they're on to you), and body armor. I forget if they contain flashbangs or not, but I'm pretty sure that they have cuffs too. A few seconds with an emag will give you that security locker, and it is under far less scrutiny than the security wing.

Getting caught with syndi gear is a death sentence, but if you fuck up with any of the above then you just get thrown in the slammer. Getting caught with the bomb is a bit more serious, but still not instant death tier. If it's just the one cop arresting you, then you can sometimes fuck them up while they're stripping you. Keep the window with the detonation button open on the side of the screen. You can still interact with that button so long as you are at least adjacent to the tile with your detonator. Long story short, this one time a cop tazed me, then stun batoned me, stripped me, stunned me again, picked up my backpack (which contained the heat spike), and then I gibbed him.

As for the station being all over a scientist the moment a bomb goes off, a simple disguise can solve all of that. The syndicate ID card can let you forge an ID card with some other mundane title like assistant or engineer, and then a simple change of clothes will basically mask your past identity of a scientist from 99% of the station because nobody ever looks at the crew manifest. The syndicate ID card comes with basic assistant level access, which is nice for the careers that do not have maintenance access by default. The card will also copy the access of any ID that you swipe on it, so sometimes you can create a super ID by adopting the access priveleges of your victims or even the victims of the general chaos of the round. The ID card draws far less suspision than an emag. The syndicate jumpsuit also lets you adopt any standard crew uniform, or even copy more unique ones that you may find. That's nice for throwing people off your trail or giving you access to stuff like an "engineering" jumpsuit without first breaking into engineering.
As for getting a spacesuit, these are my prefered approaches:
*"AI, DOOR!": You'd be surprised how often this works and how often nobody cares.
*"hack the door with wifi": The doors all have unique identifies and will open up if they receive a wireless packet instructing them to open. By installing the packet sniffer/sender programs on your PDA, then you you can hack any door on the station without risk of electrocution or being caught dropping your spagetti with the access panel screwed open. Just innocently bump into the door and the sniffer will catch the door identifier when you bump into it and it flashes its red "access denied" lights. Then craft a packet to open that particular door and send the packet when nobody is around. Sprint in, grab suit, sprint out. Nobody will be the wiser. I don't remember the format of the door packet off the top of my head. I think that the guardbuddies may transmit it when they open doors, so a first thing to try might be following them around with an active packet sniffer. You could also download the last public release of the goon code. Good luck delving into that spagehtti but it's in there somewhere.
*The smelter should, in theory, be able to craft a jumpsuit with the same thermal insulation properties of a spacesuit. Alternatively a jumpsuit tough like riot gear. I've never delved into using the smelter though.
*just emag it: Kinda blatant, but it works.

My favorite syndicate gear are the following:
*Surplus crate: YOLO
*Syndicate ID card
*Chameleon suit
*stealth container(favored disguise is a frosted Donut)
*Revolver. I don't always go loud, but when I do I equip the revolver (this has been buffed and nerfed over the years, so I don't know how good it is these days)
*Sleepy pen (after emptying the juice into a monkey and filling it with something more devious, like a lethal poison mixed with a chemical cocktail that makes any cries for help sound like an exceptionally unintelligable drunken swede)
*Freedom implant: Once upon a time a lot of security gear and several doors in the brig had their security access granted by special security implants. The freedom implant would grant access to this gear as well. I think that code is mostly deprecated these days, making it less useful, but maybe part of the game still uses it somewhere.
*Chameleon projector: Favored disguise is the cigrarette butt. Fun fact, using it will kill your momentum in space and let you creep along at will in any direction at a crawling pace!
*e-sword: The other tried and true rampage weapon
*Signal jammer: No calling for help
*syndicate cargo transporter. It takes a bit of practice, but it's fairly clean kill to stun a target, strip them of their headset/internals, stuff them into a locker that's crafted on site from a sheet of metal, and then use the transporter to weld them inside and teleport them to a random point in space.
*Power gloves: Step 0, Destroy every extra set of insulated gloves on the station. Step 1, supercharge the engine with a hellburn. Step 2, bypass the SMES units by hard-wiring the engine directly into the station's power grid. Step 3, Wait for people to start being maimed by electrocutions from random doors or arcs from nearby APCs/lightbulbs. Step 4, pretend that you're Darth Sidious
Oh yeah, one more thing about the wifi hacking thing. If anyone catches you, then just play dumb and pretend that you simply trespassed when someone else opened the door. You may get strip-searched, but usually they'll just confiscate the space suit and kick you out. Almost no one suspects the signal crafter PDA program as a means of breaking and entering. So long as you're not carrying anything incriminating, people will just thing that you're a shitter instead of thinking that you're the antag.

Speaking of PDAs, you can store it in your ID slot. You can also store your ID inside of your PDA so that you can keep them both in that slot.
Wrestling is one of the best parts: www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6wHBfukZh4

kissu kissu.png
Who wants to play Stardew Valley? I've got someone on right now, but eventually we'll set up the remaining 2+ cabins for multiple players. I'm up for turning this into some kind of group project like the minecraft server.

EF7M91SZT4J is the invite code.
17 replies and 2 files omitted.
It doesn’t appear to be letting me. Thanks for the offer though. I’ll try a couple more times just to be sure.
That's genuinely disappointing. I just built a second cabin and stuff while passing the time, at least, so there won't be any problems with space..

WAIT, I think I get it. Maybe the first visitor to a server "owns" the first cabin, and THAT'S why you're not in! Try joining now.
I tried it a few more times. It didn’t go through. For all I know, the problem is on my end.
hey OP do you feel like playing again?
if anyone wants to play with me just put a reply in the thread and i'll get a server going

Occupied Equestria - Aftermath
125002 125003 125017 126133
It looks like thinks are concluding in both the North, and in Baltimare
1925 replies and 23 files omitted.
"Ah, there you are. Feel like maybe stabbing something?"
"Why not, I'm not doing anything worthwhile at the moment."
GM Pony
Not too bad, could be worse. Undertoe is marching downstairs and can be encountered on the way up. Johann is standing on the upper railing, and inside the room Meadows seems to be afraid of Mala as Mala pants and Khoi pets Meadows
"We now have a second room. I will take Mala there."
She nods towards him before turning around and making her way to the room
Hi bat pony!

New thread >>127000 →
Let’s see what Brie’s plan is

Loboyomy Corp
105823 121568
Lobotomy Corp? Thats The SCP like Game Right? i've been meaning to look into getting it for awhile.
I was immediately turned off by the shitty english translation of this game, has anyone corrected the gazillion grammatical and spelling errors throughout this damn gook game?
Damn, 4 months and not a thing. Guess it never got properly translated, oh well.

Occupied Equestria - Confrontation
Along the shores of Baltimare Harbor, in the halls of old 33 Hoebuck, our heroes have discovered a dark secret. What started as a mundane mission to stop illegal immigrant smuggling has uncovered something far more horrific - a cult from Griffonia. The party has successfully challenged and defeated many of the cultists and hired criminals, but in the process, has nearly died themselves. Now, low on health, they must both recover and put an end to the evils in 33 Hoebuck once and for all - before it puts an end to them first.

Way up north, in the Iron Range of Whinnysota, the ponies their inquire into exact who or what is damaging so many machines. Investigating and following leads, they may unveil the faults and problems of the Haysabi Iron Mine, and gain favor with Changeling authorities.

Damn it, I missed 123,000
1804 replies and 25 files omitted.
Shimmering Spark
So... about the situation.... where would Spark be now in relation?
124999 125004
[1d4+3 = 4]
Brie is bit

Roll fortitude save


Wherever he moved himself to
"You should get to that... but no way you are smuggling out firearms with the police crawling around, and it'll be hard to get to that safe"

He smiles. He almost has a blush
Shimmering Spark
Approaching the scene was the plan. What would he see coming in from the rails?
Iron nods. "I was not expecting them to heal me anyways," he admits before straightening himself "alright, let us take the guns and then we shall go."
With that, Iron looks for the guns Silver had given out before the fight.

>>125000 →
>>125000 →
>>125000 →

D&D Hangover Ideas
123518 123519
So, I'm gonna be doing a 1-shot adventure in D&D 5e. I would like a board-decided circumstance to subject the party to.

The dwarven cleric had successfully established a permanent blessing on his decanter of endless water after some dice-assisted shenanigens. It was determined that dwarven holy water was high-grade spirits. The guild then hosted the city on a bender, of which the party are central figures.

As with the movie Hangover, the party will be on an adventure where they will be back-tracking things that happened last night. I would like some ideas of what happened. Digits are canon.
Game to commence not before monday
Hmmmmm. Infinite high grade spirits sounds like a great way to set everything on fire.

So getting absolutely smashed with limitless alcohol sounds good. Might as well have a few dozen drinking games with the guests of honor.

It's a good time for a local deity of the dwarf to congratulate him on spreading the good word of the faith, unfortunately the dream vision is impaired with even more alcohol to celebrate.

Not really sure what would be a good idea...
An absolute staple of this kind of situation: either smashing or marrying something that definitely should not be smashed or married.

Fake Conspiracy Theory thread
123001 123002
Saw this concept of 4/x/ and thought it was fucking hilarious. I'll start.
>Luziferino's blob energy batteries are actually completely functional and could be the next form of efficient energy, they just only work if they're created by someone with severe schizophrenia.
>People are computers created by aliens for mind-penetration testing projects taking place by alien white-hat hackers. Lefties are the ones that have already been compromised.
>The first person to get hex 7s on mlpol will open up the portal to Equestria.

>Mlpol is actually run by ponies, but since only a very few ponies have computers, it's a slow chan
>Coronavirus is a failed attempt at creating bat-girls
>The internet is an attempt at manually evolving humanity

Addin' some numbers for that sweet Hex7
>The first person to get hex 7s on mlpol will open up the portal to Equestria

I'm at my wit's end
I've been trying to install and play the battle for middle earth games for several days now, only to be met with installation not working right or their atrocious copy protection. I'm not a 'tech guy', I barely know what I'm doing.
Do you fine folks have any suggestions? I'm willing to try torrents or whatever, since my legitimate copies aren't working.
pic unrelated
122581 122928
You might have luck using one of these patches.
The "No-CD" or "No-DVD" patches to be precise.
I think I'm too much of a brainlet for this

Science fiction belongs here...Right?
122483 122484 122490
I need some critique of small short fanfics i'm writting, fictional papers on equestria's creatures, magic and other stuff, anyone care to give me their honest thoughts?
13 replies and 1 files omitted.
Taking a long while to approve this
Canterlot 1330
Memorandum for: ██████████
Subject: Action to safeguard information regarding reality-bending abilities within artifacts and or individuals.

As noted in many discussions during the past several months, you and your department or agency have an obligation to safeguard records regarding reality-bending capabilities. Reality bending phenomena include:
Any and all individuals or artifacts capable of conjuring, summoning and or evoke artifacts and or individuals into this reality by using level V or higher methods of magical manipulation.
Any and all individuals or artifacts capable of affecting the space-time continuum regardless of magical manipulation level.
Any and all individuals or artifacts capable of physically interacting, communicating and or listening to other planes of existence, dimensions or realities.

Classified information, regardless of its age, that could reasonably be expected to assist in the development or use of reality-bending abilities, including information about the current locations of stockpiles of artifacts that could be exploited for use in such abilities should not be disclosed inappropriately.

I personally asked the Acting Director of the Information Security Office to prepare a guidance for reviewing information in your department or agency regarding reality bending. Their guidance is attached and it should be distributed to appropriate officials within your department or agency, together with this memorandum to assist in your undertaking an immediate re-examination of current measures for identifying and safeguarding all such information at your department or agency.

[Insert horizontal rule here]

Since its creation, the Equestrian school of magical affairs has divided magic into four categories in order to facilitate its study; Said categories encompass all the known methods of magical manipulation within Equestria, separated in four different fields and sorted by magical power:
I Passive manipulation of the body's bioelectricity.
II Active manipulation of the body's bioelectricity.
III Passive manipulation of mainstream sources of magic.
IV Active manipulation of mainstream sources of magic.

This division of magic as listed by the Equestrian school of magical affairs is known as the basis of magic, or “Mainstream” magic for short, encompassing direct or indirect manipulation of any energy source within our realm by direct or indirect means.

Advanced magical practise known as Category V or level V magical manipulation was discovered within the battle with the Chaos god Discord, forcing the creation of a new category, hidden from the public eye.
The fifth category of magic is characterized by the manipulation of dimensional energy, also known as “fourth wall manipulation”, “fourth wall breaching” or “breaking of the fourth wall” this effect takes place when an entity capable of exerting changes on higher dimensions does so with the purpose of altering ours.
Interrogation of Discord, the god of chaos, has provided little useful information about the nature of such mechanism, stating that the actual magic at play is as simple as a levitation spell.(1)

An experiment conducted under the supervision of Twilight Sparkle HRH has proven capable of altering an object’s size and mass by moving it on a fourth dimensional space using only mainstream magical manipulation methods.
While the study succeeded at proving that mainstream methods of magic can indeed affect the fourth layer, the required magical power for such operation vastly suppresses that of a single individual, requiring three alicorns in order to work. The procedure has been qualified too impractical outside of testing environment.(2)
Despite the improbability of a being from our realm to practice anything higher than level IV magical manipulation, equestrian history provides a record of a small number of artifacts and individuals capable of performing spells that would require level V magical manipulation.(3)
Theoretically, by the appliance of the law of truly large numbers, an individual with the ability to manipulate Level V magical fields deemed to be born at some point in time; A widely accepted theory within the scientific community for the origins of Discord.

At present, only two beings capable of interacting with the fourth dimension are known to exist within Equestria: Discord, the god of chaos and Pinkamena Diane Pie, current element of laughter.
Pinkamena is a normal looking earth pony born under a normal family in Rockville, Western Equestria. Sister of three and reportedly presenting no abnormalities during her childhood, how she acquired her powers is hitherto unknown.
When interrogated, Pinkamena provides no useful information regarding her abilities mechanism of work nor how she acquired them. Subject is capable of activating her powers willingly, stating, “it’s just like tracing back your steps”
Neurological scan of the subject on activation of her abilities under lab conditions is still pending.
Psychological evaluation of subject support the theory of erratic or instable behaviour and mental breakdowns as possible side effects of Level V magic manipulation.

1."Session II" Project brown noodle. 1340. Transcript.
2. Twilight S. HRH. Extending the reach of magical capabilities within an unicorn. 1343.
3. Sunny K, Shining Ice, Thunderhoof H, Velvet C. A comprehensive history of Equestria. 1330;1181–1438.

[Insert horizontal rule here]

Red cupcake
Session report

1. This report documents an audience with Pinkamena diane pie in compliance with a request from Priness Celestia QE. The purpose of this session was to provide information relevant to the manipulation of extra dimensional energy.
2. The subject’s responses are provided as raw intelligence data, as such have not been subjected to any intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the information provide is the responsibility of the requestor.
Adjunct stuff for previous post
122513 122568
RC: All right, pinkamena, I want you to relax and answer the following questions as detailed as possible. Let’s start with session 1.
PP: Please call me pinkie, all my friends call me pinkie.
RC: Okay. Let’s start with the questions.
RC: Can you pinpoint exactly when did you start presenting abnormal abilities?
PP: Abnormal, like what?
RC: Your friends have reported you can slide upwards on a slide…How do you explain such ability?
PP: That?! Don’t be silly, you just slide down on it but instead of down you go up!
RC: When was the first time you realized that was an option?
PP: Like always I guess, I can’t recall an exact date.
RC: Do you remember your age at the time?
PP: I was young, but already had my cutie mark.
RC: Alright, next question, can you give us an step-by-step explanation on how the process of sliding upwards on a slide takes place?
RC: Pinkie, can you please answer the question?
PP: Sorry! Got distracted.
PP: Ok, alright I got it, you know that feeling when you lose something and just go back your steps all the way back to your room and the thing is lying on the floor? It’s the same thing, you just…Trace back your steps, like you just walked down all the way from your room so you know how to step to the front, all you have to do is take the same step but backwards.
RC: Okay. End of session.

>Trace back your steps, like you just walked down all the way from your room so you know how to step to the front, all you have to do is take the same step but backwards.
Of course! It's obvious now. Now it's time to go break reality by creating pinkie pony fingers with multiple limbs.
Ooh, I wonder if these revelations could lead the equestrian scientific community to completely change the way they think about magic!
>being able to slide upwards on a slide
sounds like fuckery is happening in higher dimensions, a possible relation to the mechanics behind teleportation?
>I wonder if these revelations could lead the equestrian scientific community to completely change the way they think about magic!
Hm, well without doubt the current revelations will help the scientific community to better understand how discord and pinkie work, but i can't say they will go far before they understand how a seemingly normal earth pony is capable of manipulating a higher dimension.
Maybe it is all within the subject's mind? Who knows, theories will flow like chocolate milk on the table.

>a possible relation to the mechanics behind teleportation?
Hmm, well an unicorn does need to develop certain abilities before teleporting. Maybe, maybe it is certainly posible.

I could ask one of my sources for more information, of course an study on such complex issues might take him some time.
>ask one of my sources for more information
Please do, I'm willing to wait for any amount of time necessary to find results, especially if a connection is found. Even if one isn't found, it's still a good idea to check!

SCP Secret Laboratory - A Call for Revival
101731 101732 101956
Alright, so there's this great game called SCP Secret Laboratory. There used to be a bunch of fun fuckery on /v/ with it, then the threads were forcibly moved to /vg/ and now they're dead.
The server is still up.
If you want an opportunity for some of the most fun organic encounters you can have with fellow Anons, check to see if there are any players on the server here: https://memesystem.party/scp/
And here's the server IP: twocows.mooo.com:7777
Have fun my brothers, I really don't want to see the only fun server for this game to die.
Below is the original OP so that you can read the guide and get an idea of what the fuck the game is:

The game is FREE and only 4~ GB to install

Read this handy FAQ if you're new or are just coming back after some time:

Streamables archive:
https://pastebin.com/BkJcBtTp (embed)

A list of our servers and how many people are playing can be found here:

4 replies and 0 files omitted.
Alright, the original server is shut down but we have a new one: twocows.mooo.com
I'm in right now if any of you fags want to join, get your friends and shit. It'll be fun.
No one got this reference?
I got it, just because something gets no responses doesn't mean nobody got it. Now join the fucking server.
Fuck it, I'll be on around this time tomorrow. Cya later space cowboys.
Sorry anon, im playing scp in real life right now so i cant play games.
Maybe tomorrow ill join you.
I'll check it tomorrow.
Busy today, sorry.

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